Since being introduced to the world of demigods, we’ve witnessed a Cyclops pair up with a Harpy, and celebrated dryads matched with satyrs. Even Leo settled down with a someone—a Titan, no less! But perhaps no romance has been more unlikely than the one between the rough-and-tumble Gleeson Hedge and the caring cloud nymph Mellie. We sat down with the couple for insights on how they’ve made their relationship work despite some key differences.
RR: Mellie, Gleeson, thank you for taking the time to share your wisdom with our readers.
GLEESON: Please, call me Coach.
RR: Right. Sure. Now, we’re guessing that many of our readers would like to know how to develop a relationship as stable as yours.
MELLIE: Oh, it’s simple. Gleeson and I—
GLEESON: Gleeson to her. Coach to you.
RR: Got it. As you were saying, Mellie?
MELLIE: Gleeson and I met when he and his friends came to visit my former boss, Aeolus. Unfortunately, at the time, Aeolus went a bit mad and tried to kill him. . . . I suppose what I’m saying is that saving the life of your would-be partner is the first step in building a long and healthy marriage.
GLEESON: Couldn’ta said it better myself!
RR: Well, what about our readers who don’t find themselves in life-threatening situations on a regular basis?
GLEESON: See, that’s the problem with your readers. And all you mortal, human types. You’re too soft. True romance is forged in the fire of adversity! Pain! Suffering! Endless quests to prove your might!
MELLIE: Oh, Gleeson, honey, I just remembered: Have you picked up baby powder for Chuck yet?
GLEESON: I was going to get it on the way to the hardware store after this interview thing. We need a new lightbulb for the shed.
MELLIE: And don’t forget the fertilizer for the garden.
GLEESON: Yeah, yeah, I got it.
RR: How important would you two say communication is to a marriage?
MELLIE: Oh, Gleeson and I are deeply connected. We’ve been through so much. We just . . . we’re so IN SYNC, you know? We finish each other’s—
GLEESON: Guess I should get eggs while I’m out, too.
MELLIE: We have eggs at home.
GLEESON: Those have gone bad.
MELLIE: Then why haven’t you thrown them out?
GLEESON: Eh. Figured Leo could use them for something.
MELLIE: I don’t want bad eggs in the house. You know Chuck is sensitive to smell.
GLEESON: That kid’s sensitive to everything.
MELLIE: Uh, yeah, because he’s a baby.
GLEESON: Pfft. When I was his age, I had already—
RR: You know what? Maybe we should revisit this next Valentine’s Day. . . .