In the world of VENOM, gods are made, not born. Legends are forged with blood and tears. Most are afraid, many will fail, the strongest will survive, but only the worthy will succeed. There may be one person in all the realms who can conquer this journey riddled with monsters, terrors, and unrelenting battles. She is a refugee of war, a gentle soul who speaks to plants but has the potential for great destruction, a girl skilled in combat yet full of compassion, and one who is willing to face her worst fears in the birthplace of nightmares.
Introducing Eshani. The eldest of three, a future queen with venom for blood, nicknamed “the little goddess of spring.”
Today, we’re sitting down with this impressive young woman to get insight into how she manages it all, and how we, too, can conquer everything from perfect hair to dangerous realms. We’re going to play a game called “5 Ways to Slay…Like a Goddess” (of course), and who better to lead us than a goddess rising?
Eshani: I don’t know if I would call myself a goddess but thank you!
We’ve heard a certain young king in the making call you one plenty of times.
Eshani: I suppose if saving his life makes me a goddess, then I won’t argue. Here are my five top tips for slaying like a goddess. They’ve never failed me, and you may find them useful for living your fiercest life.
• Be mindful and listen to those around you; you may be surprised what you’ll learn. For example, I listen to plants, and they have the best secrets…like how to destroy an invincible ruler.
• Act like a lady. Be confident in everything. You never know when you’ll need to take control of a battle and rise on behalf of your fallen kin.
• Hygiene matters! Always be presentable because you never know when you might literally run into your future love while fighting blood-thirsty monsters.
• Surround yourself with true friends. We don’t have time for toxic acquaintances. If your friends won’t fight shadow wars at your side, then are they really your friends?
• Watch your tone. Be gentle with loved ones and strangers, but may your enemies cower at the mere sound of your voice.
See more of Eshani in Rick Riordan Presents: A Touch of Blood by Sajni Patel, on sale 2/25!