Many demigods are unfairly categorized as . . . well, for lack of a better term, meatheads. Maybe it’s because neither Camp Half-Blood nor Camp Jupiter is renowned for its educational program. Unless you’re planning on majoring in Capture the Flag or Marching in Formation.
Or maybe it’s because no matter how intelligent a demigod may be, they will always be overshadowed by children of Athena, who have the whole smarty-pants thing on lock. Or maybe it’s because the punch now, ask questions later philosophy of Ares’s children has ruined the reputation of all demigods.
But the truth is, demigods need to be intelligent, or at least be able to think outside the box, to survive to adulthood. Sure, some evil tyrants and monsters can be bested with a swift swing of the sword. But many other threats require creative problem-solving skills.
Take the Hydra, for example: possibly the most dangerous brainteaser a demigod can face in their early career. A multiheaded giant serpent with the amazing ability to regrow its severed noggins. Chop off one head, and two more will take its place. This beast has been troubling demigods for centuries.
Now, if you ever find yourself face-to-face-to-face, etc. with the Hydra, you can always take a page out of Clarisse’s book and use explosives to send the beast back to the depths of Tartarus. But if you don’t have immediate access to ten tons of dynamite for some reason, here are a few alternate ways to destroy the thing. (Warning: results may vary.)
It’s Not the Journey, It’s the Destination.
Demigods never know when or where the Hydra might strike. Most likely, it will be near one of the many Monster Donuts shops across the globe. So maybe stay away from that particular franchise.
Hmm . . . maybe one quick visit couldn’t hurt. We wonder how fast they can whip up a dozen chocolate frosted. With sprinkles, of course. Just something for the road.
If at all possible, make sure your next quest features stops at remote, potentially dangerous areas that are ideal for destroying monsters. In other words, use the environment to your advantage.
See if you can face off against the Hydra on a tropical island with an active volcano. Or maybe on a snowy mountain peak with a high chance of avalanches. Perhaps a vast desert . . . Once one of the Hydra heads starts to experience dehydration, the rest should fall relatively quickly.
As for how you and your friends are supposed to survive these ecological dangers, don’t ask us! You should have been paying attention during your training drills!
The Loop-de-Loop and Pull
This strategy might be a little tricky. And gruesome. It might also require super strength, or at least a ball of string. Better see if you can find Hercules’s contact information just in case.
As horrible as this may sound, the Hydra can be defeated by strangulation. It’s simply a matter of grabbing one neck and twisting it around another. Repeat this step until all heads have lost consciousness. It’s just like tying your shoelaces! While also avoiding toxic acid breath.
The only issue is that, in its default state, the Hydra has nine heads—an odd number. So you’ll have four clean knots with one head leftover. But we imagine the final one will be so embarrassed about the others’ defeat that it will give up in shame.
Resort to Poison
The more mouths there are to feed, the easier it is to slip in something deadly. The Hydra clearly loves donuts, so why not ask Poison Oak if she can make certain . . . adjustments to the pastries?
The only downside to this plan: you’d be ruining a perfectly good batch of donuts. Also, we’re not sure which flavor the Hydra likes best. For all we know, each head has a different preference.
Better get one of each just in case. Or two. Oh, and don’t forget a box of those little donut holes. And a large, iced coffee, please. Just a little cream and sugar, please, not too much.
Get on the Hydra’s Good Side
This is the final and most desperate gamble we can think of. Put down your sword. Lower the cannon. Lean in close and really listen to the Hydra’s perspective. With so many heads, we’re sure you can find at least one to empathize with.
If you look beyond its desire to eat you, you may realize that you have more in common with the Hydra than you initially thought. Maybe you both feel crowded at times. And that you’re constantly in competition with yourself. And like you can never stick to one train of thought for very long.
Or like you can’t silence the voices in your own head. Or next to your head. Or behind your head. Or in front of your head. Or a few spaces to the right of your head.
Jeez, no wonder this thing is so violent. Maybe Percy and the gang did the Hydra a favor by blowing it to smithereens.
What are some ways that you can think of to defeat the Hydra? Be sure to let us know!