Also known as Egyptian goddess of magic and motherhood

Isis is the Egyptian goddess of magic and motherhood. Her parents are Geb and Nut, while her siblings in her first life were Horus, Osiris, Nephthys, and Set. In another life, Isis was reborn as Osiris’s wife and Horus’s mother. Her symbol is the sycamore tree.
Item of Choice

Tyet Knot Necklace
More about Isis
Isis, Egyptian goddess of magic and motherhood, was born on the fourth Demon Day. She chooses Sadie Kane as her host when released from the Rosetta Stone. The choice is an obvious one, as Sadie wears a necklace with a tyet charm, the symbol of Isis. She imbues Sadie with her ability to perfom complicated spells and do magic. Ambitious and conniving, she once poisoned the king of the gods, Ra, and then cured him, but only after he agreed to give up his throne to her son Horus. But she truly cares for Sadie as well as her adopted son Anubis, the god of funerals, and her husband Osiris, the god of death. She is beautiful, with iridescent rainbow wings, long black hair studded with diamonds, and brown eyes. Her avatar is a larger, more luminescent version of her godly form.