July 23, 2020

Kane Chronicles Quiz


"Those ugly sphinxes are creatures of law and order."

Correct! Wrong!


Correct! Wrong!

"I've got some questions for Thoth. And then I'm going to punch him in the beak."

Correct! Wrong!

"Carter, help me hack them apart! They need to be in smaller pieces!"

Correct! Wrong!

"Oh, I swear. By my name and Ra's throne and our mother's starry elbows."

Correct! Wrong!

"Matters are getting complicated among the gods. Apophis is dividing us, attacking us one by one, just as he's doing with you magicians."

Correct! Wrong!

"The five gods of the Demon Days released? Wonderful!"

Correct! Wrong!

"Ptah, son of Pitooey? Is he the god of spitting?"

Correct! Wrong!

"We're Kanes. We don't run from hard choices."

Correct! Wrong!

"Bees are tireless hunters. Fearless warriors. I like bees."

Correct! Wrong!

Kane Chronicles Quiz
Kane Quote Queen (or King)
Wow, you really know your Kane Chronicles. I bet you've even memorized The Brooklyn House Magician's Manual, haven't you?
Kane Quote Qualifier
Not bad, Kane fan. Keep reading!
Kane Quote Quack
Sorry, we were running out of Q words. You gave it a noble effort, but think about taking another look at Kane. If it helps, don't be afraid to underline (in pencil).

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