July 23, 2020

Which Demigod Are You Quiz


What was your favorite course in college?

What was on your go-to study playlist in college?

What was your go-to late-night snack in college?

What was your favorite extracurricular group in college?

What was your favorite college dining hall food?

What was your favorite way to de-stress in college?

What was your favorite off-campus hangout spot in college?

What was your favorite study spot in college?

What was your favorite part about your college town/city?

Which Demigod Are You Quiz
You got Percy Jackson!

Read Riordan - Percy Jackson

Woah, look at you landing on old Seaweed Brain himself! You may be a bit of a smart aleck, but no one minds because you'd much rather stick your neck out for friends than poke fun at them. You have an impetuous side, which might get you into some scrapes but also comes in handy when you need to make quick, tough decisions. Be careful of that temper, though. Take some deep breaths and think blue thoughts.
You got Frank Zhang!

Spotlight on Frank Zhang

Your natural leadership abilities serve you well, and we love how you assert them without getting on everybody's nerves all the time. You may be by the book, but no one could mistake you for cold and unfeeling. You're so great at standing up for your friends, we might even suggest you'd walk through fire for them. Or is that a step too far?
You got Meg McCaffrey!

Meg McCaffrey

You're one tough cookie, aren't you? Your green thumb shows how much you care about the world around you, but we'd never mistake you for some hippie-dippy do-gooder. You definitely do good, but you do it in your own no-nonsense way. You're torn between self-protection and opening up to people, which we totally respect. You know your softer side is most effective in small doses. In between some serious butt-kicking.
You got Annabeth Chase!

Read Riordan - Annabeth Chase

You've got a cool head and a strong sense of commitment. You don't suffer fools but once you make a friend, you're friends for life. And of course you're often the smartest person in the room, which you probably designed and decorated yourself. You might work on that ego, though. We're sure you've got the stuff to back it up. Just keep it in check.
You got Magnus Chase!

Read Riordan - Magnus Chase

You're super resourceful and self-reliant, although this can encourage your loner instincts. But when you make friends, you stick up for them. You just do this in your own clever, funny way, avoiding conflict unless absolutely necessary. But hey, we know you're not averse to mixing it up if you have to. The fact that you can make it all look so easy, all while focusing on diet and fitness? Teach us your ways, Einherji.
You got Nico di Angelo!

You may have some goth or emo tendencies, but you pull them off with intensity and style. We admire your curiosity and deep introspection. We just want to make sure you're not being too hard on yourself. Or others. You can let things go sometimes. Believe us when we say that everyone wants you to be your best melancholic, brooding self.

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